Pages that will show you the past of the Ghostbusters West Coast site. And how far we've come.

Here's possibly the most important archive link for understanding our team: Legends of Ghostbusters.

Andy Harness started that thread, and the idea he had of an epic story led to Vincent Belmont suggesting the creation of an LA franchise of GBI, and to Ludicris volunteering to lead it. The rest of the contingent of the failed "Rogue Squadron" project (Proton User, Peter Kong) joined the idea, and before long some other recruits were found. This thread ran fifty-three pages before Chad shut down that incarnation of GBN, and by then some members had left (Borzou99) one more was about to be fired (jiggs something or other), some other guys had joined (Kyleogb1983, egon901, Ray Parker Jr, some clown named Veedramon), and their first story had been released.

The very first GBWC page was one hosted on Proton User's (Robert Griffith's) school site. It doesn't exist anymore, and doesn't even turn up in the Internet Archive. The url was

The first real page went online on October 22, 2003. It was hosted by Take a look at it here:

October 22, 2003

The template, and the original logo, were designed by Ron Daniels (then the Mobile Agent of the GBWC). It's funny how some of the rudiments of that design are still on the GBWC home page to this very day.

(Note that the archive pages from prior to August 2007 feature links to the original host on As of April 2010, appears to be quite defunct, and the links are either broken or generate a generic search page)

That home page design lasted until May 16, 2004, when Fritz overhauled the look of the site using tables. The table look was further refined by January 2,2005

Later came the realignment of the team, and a revised homepage design dedicated to GBWC Version 2.0, with a smaller line-up and spiffier flight suits. The same basic look was revised further on August 6, 2006.

On December 1, 2006 the main page underwent it's most extensive face lift since 2004, when it was rewritten with the help of Cascading Style Sheets. A later version of that homepage can be found here (from April 2007)

After four years with Freehomepages, the hosting of was moved to GoDaddy in August 2007. The July 16, 2007 version serves as both the final version of the Freehomepages index, and the first homepage on the GoDaddy server.

The next change was a revision of the GBWC style sheet. You can see the August 20, 2007 page in both original grey borders and the all-new blue borders

Then the most recent change was "Version 4.0", which changed the pages from .html pages to .php, opening up the use of includes statements and, somewhere down the line, more server scripting techniques. In addition, a new top banner was created by Mjollnir, and Fritz created a new title logo inspired by Mjollnir's design. You can see the May 13, 2008 version of the GBWC homepage here. Admittedly it doesn't look very different from before on the surface--most of the revision is "under the hood". The banner logo was changed slightly on June 2nd

Some Other Snapshots
May 25, 2009

April 5, 2010

Message board
From 2004-2007, the GBWC operated a Proboards-hosted forum at It's still there, but in an archived state disabled for new posts
Questions? Comments? Go to the GBWC Message Board

Established 82707m
Version 51310r